
Windows Hosting Reviews - SmarterASP.NET (2023)

SmarterASP.NET has established itself as a notable hosting service provider since its inception in 1999, primarily catering to small and medium-sized businesses with a focus on ASP.NET and Linux-based hosting. The service's specialization in ASP.NET hosting makes it particularly appealing for developers familiar with this framework, offering an environment conducive to building dynamic websites and applications.

Service Overview

SmarterASP.NET's offerings encompass a variety of hosting plans, including basic, advance, and premium options, as well as specialized VPS and reseller hosting plans. The pricing structure is competitive, with basic plans starting at approximately $2.37/month and premium plans at $5.97/month. Reseller plans range from $20.00/month to $550.00/month, depending on the level of service required. All plans come with a 60-day money-back guarantee, providing a risk-free opportunity for customers to evaluate the service.

Performance and Reliability

One of SmarterASP.NET's standout features is its 99.9% uptime guarantee, showcasing a commitment to reliability. In the rare event of downtime, they offer a compelling compensation policy, providing a free month of hosting for every hour of downtime experienced. This guarantee reflects their confidence in maintaining consistent service quality. The hosting service also boasts satisfactory performance and speed, attributed in part to the use of SSD storage and RAID configuration, which enhances disk read/write speeds and mitigates data loss risks.

User Experience

The platform is designed with technically skilled users in mind, following the standard setup and operation process of most hosting companies. However, it lacks a native website builder, which can be a downside for beginners. The control panel used by SmarterASP.NET is a proprietary system, different from the commonly used cPanel, requiring some adjustment for those familiar with cPanel. This aspect, while not overly complicated, does present a learning curve for new users.

Customer Support and Specialization

The customer support provided by SmarterASP.NET is generally regarded as reliable and responsive. They have a comprehensive knowledge base for users to find answers to common questions. The support team's prompt and accurate solutions are well-received, although experiences can vary, especially during peak periods or for complex technical issues. The company's specialization in ASP.NET hosting is a key advantage, particularly for those looking to host ASP.NET-based applications or websites.

Security and Additional Features

SmarterASP.NET's robust security system includes continuous monitoring and physical security measures like biometric thumbprint scanners, security breach alarms, and video surveillance. These features enhance the overall quality of service and data protection. For developers, the service offers support for PHP, Python, Perl, and Git. Access to cron jobs and SSH varies depending on the chosen plan.

Overall Assessment

In conclusion, SmarterASP.NET is a strong option for developers and those familiar with ASP.NET, offering reliable performance, specialized features, and competitive pricing. However, it might be less suitable for beginners or those seeking a more user-friendly platform with built-in website building tools.

Customer Reviews

Recent customer reviews shed light on various aspects of SmarterASP.NET's service. Users generally express satisfaction with the hosting plan's performance, highlighting its reliability and user-friendly control panel. The support desk is noted for its effectiveness and quick response, providing solutions to various issues. The ease of account creation and domain connection, particularly with WordPress, is praised for its simplicity. Some customers, however, have experienced issues during the account creation process, necessitating multiple attempts and customer service intervention. Overall, most customers are happy with the support, speed, and ease of navigation offered by SmarterASP.NET.

Personal Experience

My personal experience with SmarterASP.NET reflects these customer insights. The uptime has consistently been above 99.95%, and the speed is commendable. The ease of use can be a mixed experience, depending on your technical proficiency. While not the most user-friendly for beginners, it offers good resources for intermediate users. The control panel, although not cPanel, is functional and efficient once accustomed to. The customer support has been attentive and helpful, especially in situations requiring technical assistance.

In terms of pricing and features, SmarterASP.NET stands out for its affordability and range of offerings. The VPS and reseller hosting plans are comprehensive, catering to diverse hosting needs with features like unlimited bandwidth, MySQL databases, and 24/7 support. The control panel V5, with its full mobile support, is a notable addition, facilitating easy account management on the go.

Based on the information gathered from various sources, here's a comprehensive list of the pros and cons of SmarterASP.NET's services:


  1. Competitive Pricing: SmarterASP.NET offers affordable plans, making it an attractive option for small to medium-sized businesses CitationCitation​.
  2. Specialization in ASP.NET: The company has a strong focus on ASP.NET hosting, beneficial for those developing ASP.NET-based applications or websites CitationCitation​.
  3. High Uptime Guarantee: With a 99.9% uptime guarantee and compensation for downtime, SmarterASP.NET demonstrates a commitment to reliability Citation​.
  4. SSD Storage and RAID Configuration: These features enhance the performance and reliability of the service, ensuring faster disk read/write speeds and reduced risk of data loss Citation​.
  5. Developer-Friendly Features: Support for various programming languages and tools like PHP, Python, Perl, and Git cater to developers' needs Citation​.
  6. Robust Security Measures: Continuous monitoring and physical security measures such as biometric scanners and video surveillance provide strong data protection Citation​.
  7. Responsive Customer Support: The service is known for its reliable and responsive customer support, aiding users with technical and other hosting-related issues CitationCitation​.
  8. Easy WordPress Setup: The process for setting up WordPress and other applications is straightforward, with tools like Softaculous and cPanel (for Linux plans) aiding the process Citation​.


  1. Less User-Friendly for Beginners: SmarterASP.NET's platform and features are more geared towards technically skilled users, which might be challenging for beginners Citation​.
  2. No Built-In Website Builder: The absence of a native website builder can be a drawback for users looking for an all-in-one solution Citation​.
  3. Proprietary Control Panel for ASP.NET Plans: The use of a native control panel instead of the more common cPanel might require a learning curve, especially for those accustomed to cPanel CitationCitation​.
  4. Varied Customer Experience: While customer support is generally responsive, some users have reported variability in support quality, especially during complex technical issues or peak periods Citation​.
  5. Account Creation Issues: Some customers have encountered difficulties during the account creation process, requiring multiple attempts and assistance from customer service Citation​.

Final Rating

Based on the overall assessment of services, features, customer reviews, and personal experience, I would rate SmarterASP.NET 4.5 out of 5 stars. The service excels in uptime reliability, technical support, and specialized features for ASP.NET hosting. However, the learning curve associated with the control panel and the lack of a native website builder for beginners slightly diminishes its overall appeal for a broader audience.

Windows Hosting Reviews - SmarterASP.NET (2023)


  • Affordable Hosting Plans
  • ASP.NET Expertise
  • Reliable Uptime
  • Enhanced Performance Features
  • Developer-Friendly Tools
  • Strong Security Protocols
  • Effective Customer Support
  • Streamlined WordPress Integration


  • Complex for Beginners
  • Lack of Website Builder
  • Unique Control Panel
  • Inconsistent Support Experience
  • Account Setup Challenges


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